Best menopause vitamins

11 Must-Have Menopause Vitamins: Remove Symptoms Once And For All

For many women, menopause is a fact of life.  Over 1 million women in the US experience menopause every year, yet it's still one of the most undertreated and overlooked conditions.  

Menopause is the stage when the ovaries stop producing reproductive hormones. As women make the transition into menopause, they may experience symptoms such as insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, or night sweats.

symptoms of menopause

Your body will gradually produce less estrogen leading up to menopause. 

Fortunately, as you go through menopause, certain vitamins can help you alleviate and manage symptoms of low estrogen. In this guide, we'll share the best menopause vitamins you can take to help ease symptoms so you can start feeling like yourself again. 

Why Vitamins And Supplements For Menopause Are Beneficial?

Menopausal symptoms vary from person to person. In this stage, women may experience severe and debilitating symptoms  that impact their quality of life.


Some supplements contain ingredients which can help balance hormones.  These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen, which tends to start declining in your 30's and 40's. Menopausal women are at risk of deterioration of their: 

  • Bone health

  • Heart health

  • Mood fluctuations 

  • Weight management

  • Vaginal health 

Vitamins help to support the well-being of these specific areas 

This is especially important for women going through menopause with nutrient deficiency. For instance, people with certain vitamin D deficiencies would benefit from supplements to optimize levels. 

Sometimes, even if you consume a balanced diet, you still may suffer from symptoms.  

Best Menopause Vitamins and Herbs

Unfortunately, menopause is something that can't be avoided.  To make matters worse, many of the symptoms can be uncomfortable for countless women. However, there are many vitamins you can take that may help relieve some of the menopause-related symptoms. 

Here are the best  research-backed vitamins and herbs that you should add to your daily regimen. 

1. Magnesium

Poor sleep can be a frustrating side effect for women with menopause.  

The changes in your body cause stress, which bleeds into your sleep quality. Fluctuating hormones can cause symptoms that disrupt your ability to drift off quickly. 

 Magnesium is an essential mineral that can support your sleep cycle  since it contributes to melatonin regulation. That way, your brain can better wind down for sleep. Also, magnesium has other health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure, improving heart health, and combating osteoporosis. 

 Some of the best food sources for magnesium  are spinach, brown rice, nuts, and pumpkin seeds.

food sources of magnesium

2. Vitamin D and K

As you get older, your bone density declines, increasing the risk for fractures. 

decreasing bone mass with age in women

Source:  Propel Physiotherapy

But this can be exacerbated since, as estrogen levels drop , some women may experience joint pain. These lower estrogen levels can make your bones less dense, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. 

In that case, you'll want to lose joint health vitamins and bone supplements to strengthen your bones and avoid aches.  Vitamin D and K are essential vitamins to bolster your bone health,  and they complement each other to help calcium enter your bones. 

 Vitamin D will help the body absorb calcium, which is a building block for strong bones and important for overall health. 

 Getting vitamin D from the sun alone is NOT enough.  

You'll want to also consume them in the form of fatty fish, tofu, yogurt, milk, pork, eggs, nuts, seeds, and avocados or consider supplementing it. 

Vitamin D best food sources

Vitamin K helps ensure calcium moves through your blood vessels . It also helps with blood vessel health and proper blood clotting. Eating one serving of leafy greens daily (a great source of vitamin K) can reduce the risks of bone fractures. 

3. Vitamin B6

Serotonin levels tend to drop during menopause due to hormonal changes, particularly the decline in estrogen. Estrogen plays a role in regulating serotonin production and function in the brain. 

As estrogen decreases, it leads to fluctuations in serotonin, which is responsible for mood regulation. 

 Taking a B-6 supplement during menopause may help combat low serotonin symptoms, such as reduced energy and depression.  Vitamin B-6 helps with serotonin production, which decreases with age  and is often linked to mood swings and menopausal depression. Women aged 19-50 need 1.3 mg daily, while those above 50 require 1.5 mg. 

You can get vitamin B6 from foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Vitamin D best food sources

4. Vitamin B12

During menopause, your body loses some of its ability to absorb vitamin B-12 properly , and your risk of having a vitamin B-12 deficiency increases. Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin designed to support bone health, create red blood cells, and help with neurological function. 

Menopausal women sometimes experience fatigue and a decrease in energy levels. Adequate vitamin B12 can help maintain energy and reduce feelings of tiredness and weakness . Generally, it's recommended to consume about 2.4 micrograms daily of vitamin B-12. 

You can get vitamin B12 from foods such as bananas, eggs, chicken, and spinach.

sources of vitamin B12

5. Vitamin E

Vaginal dryness often leads to discomfort during sex  and is a common symptom of menopause. 

Estrogen is a central part of the vagina's lubrication, thickness, and elasticity. Declining estrogen levels can lead to inflammation and drying of the vaginal walls. 

 Vitamin E is sometimes referred to as the sex vitamin since it can help regulate sex hormones 

It also has plenty of mental health benefits as well. Vitamin E helps to alleviate stress and reduce the risk of depression. It's recommended to consume at least 15 mg per day. 

RDA for vitamin E is 15mg a day

Some foods that contain Vitamin E include avocado, broccoli, shellfish, squash, and hazelnuts. 

vitamin E food sources

6. Calcium

As estrogen declines, calcium loss accelerates,  so it becomes more vital to get calcium as you enter perimenopause. 

Calcium is a mineral that your body needs for various functions.  You can get it from a variety of natural sources,  such as dairy products, almonds, broccoli, and even canned sardines. Additionally, many foods have extra calcium added to them.

best food sources of calcium

If you're already consuming calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens and dairy products , you may be getting enough calcium from your diet. However, if not, you can take a calcium supplement to hit the recommended 1,000 to 1,200 mg a day. 

The idea is that calcium is good for your bones. It can help keep them strong and  reduce the chances of getting osteoporosis and fractures 

This is  particularly important to counteract the risk of losing bone density after menopause. 

7. Black Cohosh

Black cohosh, a native North American plant, has been used for centuries to  address menopause and women's hormonal health issues.  

Some research has supported its  effectiveness in reducing menopausal symptoms , including night sweats and hot flashes. During menopause,  about   75% of women experience hot flashes   , making them the most common symptom.  

It's known as a natural mood enhancer for menopause, as it helps boost serotonin levels,  alleviating mood swings and depression. 

benefits of black cohosh

You can take it alone or as part of a combination herbal formula. 

 Quick Tip: Be cautious about higher doses, as they may lead to side effects like headaches and gastrointestinal discomfort.

8. Omega 3’s

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats found in fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds, and other foods. 

 Studies have shown that   Omega-3 fatty acids can effectively alleviate psychological distress   and depressive symptoms in menopausal women . It can improve 

  • Mood 

  • Fatigue 

  • Joint pain 

  • Hot flashes 

  • Vaginal dryness 

  • Bone density 

Another study found that women  taking 1,100 mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily greatly reduced their hot flashes.  Also, a high-quality Omega-3 supplement helps to  support good heart and bone health and reduce joint pain.  

health benefits of omega 3

9. Zinc

During the body's many changes in menopause,  it's natural to feel distracted from what's important. Many menopausal women experience difficulties with concentration and cognitive function, a condition often called "menopausal brain fog" or "menopausal cognitive impairment."

In fact, recent research found that   73% of women experienced brain fog   related to menopause 

 When estrogen levels drop, it can affect the structure and function of brain cells , leading to cognitive challenges.

That's where Zinc can help. It's an essential mineral that  supports the health and function of brain cells.  It helps protect neurons (nerve cells) from damage and may play a role in forming and maintaining neural connections, which are crucial for learning and memory.

 Zinc supplements can raise your levels and prevent concentration difficulties .

benefits of zinc

10. Red Clover

Red clover is a plant known for its potential benefits in helping with menopause symptoms. It contains compounds called isoflavones, which can mimic the effects of estrogen, a hormone that declines during menopause.  

An Obstetrics and Gynecology International study found that   red clover can relieve other menopause-related symptoms  , such as low libido, anxiety, depression, sleep troubles, and fatigue. 

the benefits of red clover

11. Wild Yam

Wild yam is a plant that naturally grows in woodlands and swamps, with its roots and bulbs having a long history of use.  This supplement is available in both cream and pill forms. 

Wild yam contains diosgenin, a compound that can be chemically converted into progesterone, a female hormone.  Phytoestrogens can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body,  potentially helping to alleviate menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings.

wild yam as a natural alternative to estrogen therapy

What is the Best Supplement for Menopause?

Grace from Amie Naturals is by far the best supplement for menopausal women . It's specially designed to address common discomforts associated with menopause and improve overall well-being. 

Here's how: 

  • Naturally alleviates symptoms.  Grace is formulated to help soothe menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It uses all-natural ingredients with hormone-balancing properties to improve emotional well-being and make you feel like yourself again. 

  • Doctor-Approved Formulation. Grace has been endorsed by healthcare professionals, ensuring its safety and efficacy. 

  • Increased Energy and Vitality.  Combatting fatigue and increasing energy levels are essential during menopause, and Grace helps women regain their vitality and fight against the fatigue that can often accompany this period.

  • Bone Health.  Grace contains essential nutrients that promote bone health. Maintaining bone density and strength is crucial, as the risk of osteoporosis tends to increase during menopause.

The product has a high customer satisfaction rate, with  over 20,000 satisfied customers, making it a best-selling option for menopausal women . Best of all, Grace is affordable and  comes with a 180-day satisfaction guarantee , giving women the confidence to try the product risk-free.

Try Grace today and minimize menopausal symptoms now. 

Reduce Menopause-Related Symptoms With Amie Naturals

 Menopause doesn't have to feel like a death sentence 

You can still live life to the fullest and enjoy great sex and all the other pleasures that the world has to offer. While the changes your body goes through may feel frustrating, vitamins can help you regain your libido, improve energy levels, and feel healthy even as you age.  

Supplementation is a great non-invasive, hormone-free way to improve women's health.  

That's why Amie Naturals provides natural remedies backed by science and testing  to best support this period of your life. Try Grace today, along with our other natural creams and oils to provide relief and support your health!

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